Use "addressed himself to the issue of|address himself to the issue of" in a sentence

1. He couldn't commit himself on any issue.

2. But the issue, as Niebuhr himself knew well, goes back to the very origins of Christianity

3. He addressed himself to the crowd.

4. Linus himself originally thought portability was a non-issue.

5. The other thorny issue to be addressed is that of course funding.

6. The real issue was never addressed.

7. He Addressed the touchy issue of European-American relations

8. The issue of an Asset Tracking System, however, still needs to be addressed.

9. The issue of indicator-based assessment was addressed critically above.

10. The issue of the map will be addressed by the AUHIP to the two Presidents.

11. This perception is another key issue to be addressed.

12. It seems to me that all of the parties having addressed the issue are correct.

13. So Paul addressed the issue in his second letter to the Corinthians.

14. A wise man once addressed himself to God, saying:

15. * We emphasised the importance of enhancing cooperation to address the issue of climate change.

16. Question:You spoke about the idea of insurance pool to address the liability issue.

17. Taking a more technical example, the issue of definition of eligible expenditure had to be addressed.

18. We will address the issue of living modified organisms

19. Numerous controlled studies have addressed the issue of switching patients from typical to atypical antipsychotics.

20. Efforts to address the critical issue of youth unemployment have to date been limited.

21. They also urged North Korea to address the earliest resolution of the abductions issue.

22. The issue of overpopulation a complicated one, and it's being addressed internationally.

23. Leaders also reaffirmed their determination to contribute positively to address the issue of global imbalances.

24. The issue of overcrowding is being addressed through efforts of making affordable accommodation available to Seychellois families.

25. Payments are the only, but decisive, issue to be addressed by these lines.

26. The issue of access to data will be addressed as part of one agenda item of CRIC 11;

27. This issue is addressed under point 1.1.

28. The government intends to table legislative proposals to address this issue in the course of 2018.

29. The issue of secret detention in the context of countering terrorism is also addressed.

30. The Government intends to table legislative proposals to address this issue in the course of 2018.

31. The Iran nuclear issue should be resolved through peaceful diplomacy, and the framework of IAEA provides the best forum to address technical aspects of the issue.

32. The Commissions' services are examining modification of the relevant legislation (11) to address the issue.

33. The issue of immigration cannot, it is true, be addressed by sacrificing the right to family reunification.

34. Firstly, I should like to address the controversial issue of modification of the germ cell line.

35. India has also taken several independent initiatives to address the issue of climate change.

36. The environmental assessment of twinning the highway would require specific mitigation to address this issue.

37. Question: Will the issue of terrorism form part of the Prime Minister's address to G-20?

38. The response burden issue is addressed by several of the principles in the Code.

39. In any case the issue needs to be addressed in terms of organizational, financial and development merits

40. Again the whole issue of what you call tracking, we have addressed this.

41. I do not think that the issue of budgetary independence needs to be addressed in the present case.

42. In any case the issue needs to be addressed in terms of organizational, financial and development merits.

43. Documents required to issue a residence card or to change the address therein

44. Affordable housing is another critical issue addressed above.

45. In 49 C.E., the Christian governing body addressed that issue.

46. Please provide comments, proposals or suggestions on mechanisms to address the issue of abandoned ships.

47. The issue of seniority at provincial highway crossings was not addressed in the agreement.

48. The issue of duplication between the Fifth Committee and CPC is partially addressed above

49. From our point of view an issue that is very important is to address the terrorism issue and we are making progress on that.

50. How do you propose to actually address this important issue?

51. Alongside the issue of quality, efforts must continue to address both cost and time to delivery issues.

52. Moreover, if we can tactfully get him to express himself on an issue that concerns him, he may become less defensive.

53. Speaker, yesterday's Marshall decision did not address the issue of access to resources other than eels

54. The Council common position did not address the issue of the MHP standard.

55. This is an issue being addressed in the review and revision of the Control Regulation

56. The Working Group has decided to address the issue of abnormally low bids separately (see, further # paras

57. Again, it addressed the Free Trade issue and had a tear-off portion to subscribe to the GBO.

58. Two major bilateral agencies had decided to address the issue through social marketing

59. MacDonald, had he still been Prime Minister, would have lost the issue in verbiage and drowned himself in self-pity.

60. The 'Visualisation of the exposure of cyclists to traffic on roads' (Vector) projectsought to address the issue of cyclists' exposure to traffic exhaust.

61. 108 The IPEGs address the issue of patent pooling by providing an example.

62. Turning to leave he saw a jiffy-bag of formidable bulk addressed to himself in Sixsmith's tremulous hand.

63. • to address the issue of a central polling place being established in error outside of an electoral district

64. Another very important issue is the issue related to taxation.

65. Where available, Bugzilla ID numbers are listed corresponding to the bug report for each issue addressed.

66. However, there is a need to address the issue of retention of girls in school at secondary level.

67. The March 1, 1935, issue of The Watchtower squarely addressed a growing problem among God’s people.

68. Report a Housing Related Issue - Report a housing related issue to the Town of Brookhaven

69. India has always held that the nuclear issue should be resolved through peaceful diplomacy and the framework of the IAEA provides the best forum to address the technical aspects of the issue.

70. The Commission is urged to take the initiative with special measures to address this specific issue;

71. This issue needs to be addressed at the school level, with more girls being encouraged to use computers.

72. The March 1913 issue of the French Watch Tower published a letter addressed to the French-speaking brothers by Brother Russell.

73. This is part of the international terrorism. Therefore, the international community also will have to address this issue.

74. Greek authorities have acknowledged the issue, but done far too little to effectively address the lack of accommodation.

75. The issue of abortion and steps to be taken to address it may be deemed a work in progress.

76. To address the issue of radiation necrosis/leukoencephalopathy posttherapeutic MRI images were routinely examined every 3 months.

77. This issue has been addressed in paragraph 27 above with the example of alternative rites of passage.

78. In order to address this issue, the Government has enacted a Family Protection Act.

79. Please ensure that Component / Issue Addressed Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC)

80. The issue of abortion and steps to be taken to address it may be deemed a work in progress